Year 1992 Summary: Why Didn't Somebody Tell Me These Things?, Potassium Dichromate, Fun with Steel Wool, What About Flash?, Signature Stars, More Chrysanthemums, Bottle Rockets Dead, Limited Quantity or ORM Packaging and the UPS Hazardous Materials Charge, Pro Fax, The Gabe Mort, Nickel Toxicity, Table for Cutting Stars, Lighting Flash - Class C?, Pyro Surprises, Glittering Sparklers, Gold Ferro-Aluminum Flitter, Simple Electric Matches, Candle Techniques, Closet Pyro, Gabe Mort Around the World, Neapolitan Ground Bomb, Long Lasting Paper Mortars, Phosphorus Fireworks, Those Captivating Cones: Parts One & Two, Dragon Egg Warning, A Ball Mill You May Already Have, Training Squirrels or The Egg and I, Neon Blue 7 Recumbent Lances, Super Polverone, Baseball Demons, Building a Spiking Horse, Cheap Tool Aids Lance Assembly, Vesuvious Fountains, Exploding Insight, Enhancing Sucessive Happy News Effect, Chlorine Donors, Pyrotechnic Serpents, The Cost of Doing It Right, Gabe Takes a Hit, Trouble with Ground Bombs, Pro Fax, The Horizontal Wheel, Method for Making Cut Stars, Sound in Fireworks: Part Two, The Dirtiest Job in Fireworks, Shell Burst Rockets.