Year 1991 Summary: The Many Pyro Uses of Wax: Parts Three & Four, Blasting Machine Safety, Pyrographics Shell Designs, The 25cent Display Wheel, Round Corner, Blender Rockets, The Beautiful 4" Spider Web Shell, Brilliant Orange/Titanium Stars, Microjets, Saran Resin: Its Properties & Uses, Using Kerosene, Red Phosphorus: Bride of Frankenstein, Forecasting Violence for Explosion Danger, Flash & That Gut Feeling, Drying Stars & Grinding Chemicals, A Basic "Technician": Parts One & Two, Using Kerosene in Fireworks, Informal 8 oz. Rockets, In Praise of Cupric Octoate, Planning an Artistic Fireworks Display, The Plastic Cherry Bomb, Fireworks on a Budget, Are Your Ready Boxes Ready?, Productions of Benzoate Color Agents, Variations on Standard Quickmatch Manufacture, Another Look at Rockets, Exploding Targets, Smoke of a Different Color, What is a Chrysanthemum?, Waterworks, Sound in Fireworks, Happy Scavenging, Problems with Gold Sparkler Manufacture & Coating Alternatives for Compositions Containing Iron/Steel Powders, A Relatively Non-Toxic Resorcinal Formula, Optical Rangefinders Aid Display Layout, Test Your Trivia, Microstars Bursts: Without Microstars.