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D8j - Blast Waves DVD / Kosanke
How the Pros Series, Volume #10, Blast Waves & Flash Powder video by Ken Kosanke
M44 - Best of AFN IV
Best of American Fireworks News IV
V39 - FVM #30 March, 2000
Fireworks Video Magazine, Volume #30, March, 2000 edition
webbanner - Website Banner Advertisement
JPyro22 - Journal of Pyro Issue #22, Winter, 2005
Journal of Pyrotechnics Issue #22, Winter, 2005
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Here is a list of fireworks demo nights with a sample issue of AFN
04/01/2014 03:09:01 PM:Here is a list of fireworks demo nights for 1.4 and 1.3 fireworks around the US with a free sample o...
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