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D8g - Pressed Shell Inserts DVD / Hanson
How the Pros Series, Volume #8, Pressed Shell Inserts: Tourbillions, Hummers, Serpents, & Whistles D...
ABK1983 - AFN Back Issues Set 1983
AFN back issues for the year 1983. 12 issues bound in book form
JPyro23 - Journal of Pyro Issue #23, Summer, 2006
Journal of Pyrotechnics Issue #23, Summer, 2006
D9z - Controlling the Burn DVD / Sagaria
How the Pros Series, Volume #53, Controlling the Burn DVD by John Sagaria
C_MBG - Best of AP / AFN II-VII Combo
Best of American Pyrotechnist Best of American Fireworks News II-VII Combo
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Here is a list of fireworks demo nights with a sample issue of AFN
04/01/2014 03:09:01 PM:Here is a list of fireworks demo nights for 1.4 and 1.3 fireworks around the US with a free sample o...
DVDs all about building shells from crossette shells to multi-break shells
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D8h - Palm Tree Shell DVD / Mehlos
D8a - Multi-Break Shell DVD / Datres
D8L - Canister Shell Construction DVD / Semenza
D8f - Bottom Shots DVD / Rowe
D8k - Ball Shell Construction DVD / Widmann
D8c - Aerial Shell Troubleshooting DVD / Ofca
D9i - 6" Ball Shell DVD / Stoddard
D8p - 5" Crossette Shell DVD / Martinez
D8b - 16" Round Shell Construction DVD / Zibell