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ABK1994 - AFN Back Issues Set 1994
AFN back issues for the year 1994. 12 issues bound in book form
S2E - Fireworks Business digital subsubscription
One Year Subscription or Renewal to Fireworks Business digital
D20 - FVM #20 September, 1997 DVD
Fireworks Video Magazine, Volume #20, September, 1997 DVD edition
M33 - Best of AFN III
Best of American Fireworks News III
ABK1988 - AFN Back Issues Set 1988
AFN back issues for the year 1988. 12 issues bound in book form
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Here is a list of fireworks demo nights with a sample issue of AFN
04/01/2014 03:09:01 PM:Here is a list of fireworks demo nights for 1.4 and 1.3 fireworks around the US with a free sample o...
DVDs all about Rockets
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D8o - Crossette Rockets DVD / Rebenklau
D8w - Endburning Rockets DVD / La Duke
D8x - White Strobe Rockets DVD / La Duke
D8z - Blue Strobe Rockets DVD / Barr
D9e - Mini Whistle Rockets DVD / La Duke
D9j - Small Shells for Rockets DVD / Petro
D9k - Hybrid Black Powder Rockets DVD / La Duke
D9n - Spin Stabilized Rockets DVD / Gilliam