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S1E 2016 - American Fireworks News newsletter all 12 issues for 2016
Instant Download! Get all 12 issues for 2016 right here. Converted to pdf that is scaleable and se...
M6 - von Maltitz / Black Powder Mfg
Black Powder Manufacture, Methods, & Techniques by Ian von Maltitz
C_MBC - Best of AP / AFN II-V Combo
Best of American Pyrotechnist Best of American Fireworks News II-V Combo
M5 - Oglesby / Glitter, Chemistry & Technique
Glitter, Chemistry & Technique by Lloyd S. Olgesby
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Here is a list of fireworks demo nights with a sample issue of AFN
04/01/2014 03:09:01 PM:Here is a list of fireworks demo nights for 1.4 and 1.3 fireworks around the US with a free sample o...
DVDs on close proximity and special effects
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D8i - Indoor Fireworks DVD / Coman
D9Q - Beginner's Close Proximity Pyro DVD / McLean
D9v - Hollywood Pyrotechnics DVD / Nicholls
D9w - Cryogenic Fog DVD / Nicholls
D9x - Flame & Fire Special Effects DVD / Nicholls
DS1 - Indoor & SFX Operations presentations DVD