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H3 - Spin Stabilized Rockets Handbook
Spin Stabilized Rockets (How Do I Make Those Stinger Missiles?)
C_D8o/D8p - Crossettes DVD combo
Crossette Rockets & Shell Construction DVD Combo
K7 - Selected Pyro Publications of Kosankes Part 7
Selected Pyrotechnic Publications of K. L. & B. J. Kosanke Part 7 (2003 & 2004)
C_MBB - Best of AP / AFN II-IV Combo
Best of American Pyrotechnist & Best of American Fireworks News II-IV Combo. (4 books total)
M77C - Best of AFN VII
Best of American Fireworks News VII
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Here is a list of fireworks demo nights with a sample issue of AFN
04/01/2014 03:09:01 PM:Here is a list of fireworks demo nights for 1.4 and 1.3 fireworks around the US with a free sample o...
Here are some books about fireworks discussing history and background info. No heavy science or how to info. Light reading for pyros of all ages.
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B37 - Whoosh, Boom, Splat
B7 - Uhlmann & Heinrich / Soul of Fire
B40 - The Glorious Fourth of July
BBK1 - Special F/X News Journal
B34 - Perils in the Powder Mills
B22 - Maxim / Dynamite Stories
B33 - Hanson / How It Happens at Fwks Factory
B20 - Firecrackers, The Art & History
B39 - Firecrackers
B28 - Chemical Magic
B30 - Backyard Ballistics