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C_MBF - Best of AFN II-VI Combo
Best of American Fireworks News II-VI Combo
ABK1989 - AFN Back Issues Set 1989
AFN back issues for the year 1989. 12 issues bound in book form
C_D9y/H5 - Giant Steel Fountain DVD/Handbook combo
Clark's Giant Steel Fountain DVD & Handbook Combo by John Sagaria
D9x - Flame & Fire Special Effects DVD / Nicholls
How the Pros Series, Volume #50, Flame & Fire Special Effects Utilizing Propane & Nautral Gas DVD by...
C_D8o/D8p - Crossettes DVD combo
Crossette Rockets & Shell Construction DVD Combo
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Here is a list of fireworks demo nights with a sample issue of AFN
04/01/2014 03:09:01 PM:Here is a list of fireworks demo nights for 1.4 and 1.3 fireworks around the US with a free sample o...
On this page you will find books on how professionals in the fireworks trade make fireworks
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B5 - Kentish / Complete Art of Fwk Making
H5 - Clark's Giant Steel Fountain Handbook
M4 - Bleser / Round Stars & Shells
M7 - Best I - Best of American Pyrotechnist
B16 - Weingart / Dictionary & Manual of Fwks
B38 - The Best of the Firemaker
M22 - Best of AFN II
M33 - Best of AFN III
M44 - Best of AFN IV
M55 - Best of AFN V
M66B - Best of AFN VI
C_MBB - Best of AP / AFN II-IV Combo
C_MBC - Best of AP / AFN II-V Combo
C_MBD - Best of AFN II-V Combo
M77C - Best of AFN VII
C_MBG - Best of AP / AFN II-VII Combo